


I am 。

I am の使い方。自分の状態を説明するときに使います。


"I'm so tired." 
"I'm confused."
"I'm happy."
"I'm twenty one years old."
"I'm hungry."
"I'm nervous."
"I'm excited."
"I'm leaving work."
"I'm thirsty."
"I'm from Tokyo."


"I'm extremely tired."
"I'm very happy."
"I'm terribly hungry."
"I am super excited."
"I'm very nervous."

I'm in/at/on


I am の後ろに追加して使います。

自分がどこの中に入っているのか?を表現するのが、IN です。

"I'm in the shower."  シャワーは入るものです。
"I'm in the lobby."  ロビーは中にいるものです。
"I'm in a car."    車の中にいる。
"I'm in a house."  家の中にいる。
"I'm in a school."  学校の中にいる。


日本人には、使いづらいのが at 

 'at' と 'in'の違いは?


たとえば、 'at Los Angeles' と 'in Los Angeles

というと  in のほうが広い感じがします。





"I'm at the grocery."
"I'm at the mall."
"I'm at the lawyer's office."
"I'm at the park."
"I'm at the airport."

 'at' と 'in はどちらとも使えるのです。


"I'm at the shopping mall."
"I'm in the shopping mall."
"I'm at the park."
"I'm in the park."
"I'm at the school."
"I'm in the school."


Using the word 'on' is referring to a non physical location such as your time being utilized by something else.

Here are some examples:

"I'm on the phone."
"I'm on my computer."
"I'm on a bus."

I'm good at 


"I'm good at drawing." えを書くのが上手いよ。など。
"I'm good at video games." 
"I'm good at swimming."
"I'm good at driving."
"I'm good at reading."
"I'm good at sports."
"I'm good at writing."
"I'm good at math."
"I'm good at dancing."
"I'm good at chess."

I'm + (動詞)


I'm + (動詞)をつけて今、何をしているかを表現しよう。

"I'm eating lunch."     ランチを食べてるところです。
"I'm brushing my teeth." 歯を磨いてるところです。
"I'm scared."        怖い。
"I'm driving to school."   学校に運転して行ってるところです。
"I'm crying."
"I'm typing an email."
"I'm cooking dinner."
"I'm combing my hair."
"I'm hanging a picture."
"I am texting."
"I am dancing."
"I am interested in the job."
"I am exercising."
"I am sad."
"I am learning."

I'm trying + (動詞)で

'I am trying'は、XXXをしようとしているを意味します。

"I'm trying to get a job."
"I'm trying to call my family."
"I'm trying to enjoy my dinner."
"I'm trying to educate myself."
"I'm trying to explain myself."
"I'm trying new food."
"I'm trying to eat healthy."
"I'm trying to understand."

 'trying'は、気持ちも現すことがあります。この場合は 何かに緊張させられる、困らせられる場合に使います。

"Learning new things can be trying on you."
"That marathon was very trying on me."

I'm getting

I'm + gettingで 


"I'm getting better."      私は良くなってきました。
"I'm getting ready for bed."  私は寝る準備ができました。
"I'm getting a tooth ache."  私は歯が痛くなってきました
"I'm getting a cold."      風邪引きそうになってきました
"I'm getting married."     私は結婚します。
"I'm getting tired."       疲れてきました
"I'm getting good at reading." 読めるようになってきました。
"I'm getting a new car."     車を手に入れようとしています。


など、XXXになってくる。 XXXしようとしている。

I'm gonna + (動詞)

I am going to 、XXXしようとしている、XXXします。ちょっと先にXXXします。という単語です。I am going toは、I'm gonna と言います。


"I'm gonna have some coffee." コーヒーを飲もうとしています。
"I'm gonna go to work."    働こうとしています。
"I'm gonna eat some cake."  ケーキを食べようとしています。
"I'm gonna send out my resume."
"I'm gonna run a marathon."
"I'm gonna ask her out for dinner."
"I'm gonna stop smoking."
"I'm gonna help my friends."
"I'm gonna take swim lessons."
"I'm gonna read a book."

I have + (名詞)

XXXを持っている。  'I have' 良く使う英語です。

"I have a cat."     猫を持っています
"I have a  car."  車を持っています
"I have a house."   家を持っています
"I have a key."      鍵を持っています
"I have a headache."  頭痛を持っています。

(頭が痛い, XXXが痛いという表現でなく、英語では、痛さは持っているものなのです。)

"I have a toothache." 歯が痛いは、歯通を持っています。と言います。

 'cannot'と 'won't' を 'I have.' と一緒に遣うことができます。


"I cannot have that behavior in my house."
"I cannot have you over tonight."
"I won't have anything to do with that."
"I won't have it any other way."

'I have'+過去分詞

 'I have'+過去分詞



"I have done it."         これは終りました
"I have heard that before."  前に聞いたことがあります
"I have driven a car."     車をうん
"I have forgotten the words." 
"I have read that book." 
"I have eaten at that restaurant before."
"I have flown in an airplane."
"I have forgiven you."
"I have seen you before."  以前に会いました
"I have written a letter."

I used to + (動詞)

'Used to' は、何かすでに終えた事。






"I used to run every day." 
"I used to paint."
"I used to smoke."  タバコをすっていました
"I used to walk from home."
"I used to live in Los Angeles."  以前住んでいました。
"I used to go to the beach every day."
"I used to sing in a song."  以前は歌を歌っていました。
"I used to like vegetables."  以前は野菜が好きでした

I have to + (動詞)

 'have to'はXXXしなければならない。


"I have to switch schools." 
"I have to use the telephone."
"I have to go to the bathroom."
"I have to leave."
"I have to unpack my bags."

You can also add the word 'don't' to suggest that someone is not required to do something.

"I don't have to switch schools."
"I don't have to use the telephone."
"I don't have to go to the bathroom."
"I don't have to leave."
"I don't have to unpack my bags."

I gotta + (動詞)

'I gotta'

文法としては間違っています。'I gotta'は話言葉です。

 'I have got to' もしくは 'I've got to'.


話し言葉で 'got to'は 'gotta' になり、 'have'は消えてしまいます。


"I gotta manage my money."
"I gotta obey the laws."
"I gotta move to a bigger house."
"I gotta impress my boss."
"I gotta brush my teeth."

I've gotta

'have' +gotta

have got to


"I have got to be on time to work."
"I've gotta try harder at school."
"I've gotta tell my friend I'll be late."
"I've gotta learn more about theEnglish."
"I've gotta clean my house today."

I plan to + (動詞)


'Plan to' は、XXXする予定である、XXXするつもりである。


"I plan to find a new apartment."
"I plan to go on vacation."
"I plan to surprise my parents."
"I plan to wash my car."
"I plan to watch a movie."
"I plan to save more money."
"I plan to read a book."

I can't help + (動詞ing)

 'can't' は 'cannot.'を短くした単語。


 'can't' に 'help'をつけると






"I can't help thinking about it."
"I can't help shopping so much."
"I can't help working all the time."
"I can't help smiling when I see her."
"I can't help eating so much."
"I can't help loving you."
"I can not help biting my nails when I am nervous."
"I can not help smoking when I have been drinking."
"I cannot help feeling so sad."
"I cannot help remembering the things you did."

I wanna + (動詞)


 'want to.'の短縮した言い方です。

"I wanna talk."
"I wanna search for a job."
"I wanna order some food."
"I wanna marry her."
"I wanna listen to that song."


'don't' を付け加えると、、


"I don't wanna talk."
"I don't wanna search for a job."
"I don't wanna marry her."
"I don't wanna listen to that song."
"I don't wanna order some food."

I'd like to + (動詞)

I would like to + (動詞)

I'd は I would を短くした言い方です。



”I'd like to have a strong coffee.” 

”I'd like to change my seat.” 
"I would like to answer that question." その質問に答えたいです
"I would like to explain myself."    自分を説明したいです。
"I would like to invite you over."
"I would like to practice."
"I would like to become a teacher."
"I would like to see you more often."
"I would like to thank you."
"I would like to learn about English."
"I would like to meet the President."


I'd like to have ~ は、やや丁寧な言い方です。

I'm here to + (動詞)


"I'm here to apply for the job."
"I'm here to take a test."
"I'm here to receive my gift."
"I'm here to support all your decisions."
"I'm here to watch a movie."
"I'm here to work on your computer."
"I'm here to welcome you to the neighborhood."
"I'm here to raise awareness for cancer."
"I'm here to start the job."
"I'm here to receive the award."

I was about to + (動詞)


 'I was about to'は、誰かに、近い将来もしくは、その時にXXXするつもりだった。





"I was about to go out."   出掛けるつもりだった。
"I was about to go to dinner."
"I was about to go to bed."
"I was about to go to work."
"I was about to say the same thing."
"I was about to call you."
"I was about to send you an email."
"I was about to order us some drinks."
"I was about to watch television."

'I don't'

 'I don't' は、好きではない、理解できない、していないの意味です。

"I don't eat fish." 
"I don't like the rain."
"I don't understand English."
"I do not understand what you are saying."
"I do not like scary movies."
"I do not like swimming."

I don't have time to + (動詞)

 'don't'は'do not.'の短縮形です

'have time to' を付け加えると、



"I don't have time to explain."
"I don't have time to eat."
"I don't have time to exercise."
"I don't have time to watch my favorite TV show."
"I don't have time to talk."

I didn't mean to + (動詞)


 'didn't'は 'did not'の短縮形です。

 'mean to' はXXXというつもりではなかった、意味ではなかった。との意味です。


"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."
"I didn't mean to call you so late."
"I didn't mean to lie about what happened."
"I didn't mean to embarrass you."
"I didn't mean to stay out so late."
"I did not mean to say those things."
"I did not mean to leave you out."
"I did not mean to make you confused."
"I did not mean to think you were involved."
"I did not mean to cause trouble."

I'd rather + (動詞)


'I'd'は'I had' or 'I would.'を短くした言い方です。




"I'd rather talk about this later."      後で話したい。
"I'd like to eat at home than go get fast food."
"I'd rather snowboardi than ski."
"I'd rather stay late than come in early tomorrow."
"I'd rather handle the problem myself."
"I had rather go home than stay out too late."
"I had rather listen to my parents or get in trouble."
"I would rather exercise than sit on the couch all day."
"I would rather complete my task early."
"I would rather know the answer."

I'm looking forward to 

'looking forward to' は待っている、期待しているの意味です。





I'm looking forward to it. 楽しみにしているよ。

"I'm looking forward to meeting you."
"I'm looking forward to talking with you."
"I'm looking forward to going on vacation."
"I'm looking forward to spending time with my family."
"I'm looking forward to learning the English language."
"I am looking forward to visiting another country."
"I am looking forward to having a family."
"I am looking forward to graduating from college."
"I am looking forward to watching the baseball game."
"I am looking forward to running in a race."